Fajriana, Fajriana and Safriana, Safriana and Nurdin, Nurdin
Bukti Korespondensi " Students' Perceptions of Learning Using Powtoon Based on Gender in SMP/MTS".
Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia.
Perception is an individual observation or process giving meaning as a result of observations about an object, event, and so on through
his five senses, which is obtained by inferring information and interpretation of messages so that someone can provide feedback about
the good or bad or the positive and negative of it. The use of animation media in learning other than providing many conveniences, there
are also obstacles, causing various student perceptions. Students' perceptions of the use of learning media can be seen by gender. This
study aims to determine students' perceptions of learning using animation/powton in SMP/MTs based on gender. Based on the data col�lected, this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The data collection method in this study used a questionnaire in collecting
data from primary and secondary sources. In this study, the primary data was the result of a perception survey through a questionnaire
conducted to SMP/MTs students. In contrast, secondary information is obtained from a literature review regarding online learning sys�tems and virtual classes. The data analysis technique uses percentages. The results of data analysis are presented descriptively in the fol�lowing subchapter. Based on the results of research and discussion, it has been known that students' perceptions of learning mathematics
using Powton media are perfect. Both male and female students positively perceive learning mathematics by using Powton-based learn�ing media in SMP/MTs. Students get an average student answer of 100% and fall into the "Very Good" category. it explains that anima�tion media is beneficial for students in understanding the lesson.
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Bukti Korespondensi " Students' Perceptions of Learning Using Powtoon Based on Gender in SMP/MTS". (deposited 30 Mar 2023 03:45)
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